

Common automatic food packaging equipment error analysis and solutions

Common automatic food packaging equipment error analysis and solutions

  • 2022-01-15

The labor cost is getting higher and higher, and the replacement of labor by mechanized operation has become an inevitable trend of development. For some heavy packaging work, many companies choose to replace manual labor with automatic packaging machines. Although the device has many advantages, it is still necessary to pay attention to common faults and understand their solutions during use, which improves work efficiency and reduces production costs.

Several common faults of automatic packaging machines and their solutions:

Fault 1: The automatic packaging machine is not sealed or the sealing is not strict.

Solution: Take out the inferior packaging container and no longer use it, then you can try to adjust the sealing pressure and increase the heat sealing temperature.

Fault 2: The automatic packaging machine does not pull the bag, and the bag-pulling motor loses the chain. The reason for this failure is nothing more than a wiring problem.

Solution: Check whether the proximity switch, controller and stepper motor of the bag making machine are damaged, and replace the damaged parts.

If you encounter some problems that cannot be solved, please contact our customer service, our maintenance engineers will help you solve them.

Foshan Coretamp Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd.

Foshan Coretamp máquinas de embalagem Co., ltd. é especializada na produção de máquinas de embalagem de almofadas, máquinas de embalagem vertical, máquinas de embalagem de linha de processamento de alimentos, máquinas de embalagem de vegetais, máquinas de embalagem, etc.

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